Teacher told us that we have to be divided into some groups to perform an activity that discuss interesting job last week. we perform the activity today, and I think the content is funny. So I show evwryone the content of our group activity.
Gabby:Good evening! Everybody! I am Gabby
Betty: I am Betty, we are the hosts in today's show!
Gabby: Today we are very pleasure to invite three guests who all have interesting jobs! This is Eli, a zookeeper. This is Maggie who makes up for dead person. And this is Chris, she is a part-time queen.
Betty: Ok! Let's welcome Eli to introduce his job and interesting or special experience
Eli: Good evening! Everybody! I am Eli, a zookeeper. My major work is to take care and feed the animals in the zoo. Somebody will think the job is boring, but I think the job is interesting. Most animals in our zoo are cute and friendly. When you take care or feed them, you can play with them and they trust you to touch them. It is a very special experience, and they are just like your children. I like the job.
Gabby: Could you tell us something interesting in your job?
Eli: Yeah. I remember, about 3 years ago, that there was a lion named Jimmy was borned in the zoo, but he is in a critical situation because his mother didn't want to feed him. But Jimmy was lucky, my dog named Lucky just borned puppies at the same time. I take Lucky to be Jimmy's mother. It is a unforgettable memory for me. Jimmy is just like a cat and play with other puppies. It is a very interesting experience in my job. But the wonderful hour is just when he is a boy. When he grew up, everyone afraid of he that includes I and my dog.
Betty: And is anything that make you impressive?
Eli: Yeah!! But it is not funny. It is a little terrible. Everyone want to hear?
Everyone: Yes!!!!
Eli: one day, my coworker went to feed his animal. But his arm was bit by a locoste!
Everyone :It is too disgusting !terrible! My goodness!
Maggie: I don't think it is horrible or special. You know, my job is to make up for dead person. Sometimes, I need to help to piece up the body. Someone's body maybe divided into several parts by accident or something else, in the meantime, I need to find the best way to piece up their body, and make sure they will be nice in last journey.
Gabby: Don't you afraid of ghost? Or do you have any unbelievable experience to share us?
Maggie: Oh! I remembered some dead person talked to me in my dream! She told me what she wants! Like Tiffany necklace, heart of fire diamond, etc! Wow, how a rich woman! I even deal with a special case, I remembered that night. I received a case that a young that died by fell from 3000 foot! When his body came here, I helped him to make up in the midnight.
Chris: I know! He was my student, I taught him how to fly by hang-glider , but he is too excited and didn’t care what I said. Of Course I have the license, but he didn't operate step by the step, so….
Betty:How many licnese do you have?, can you introduce them?
Chris: I have diving, dancing, hang-glider, accounting, cooking, and boxing licenses.
Gabby: what kind of job do you like most?
Chris: I like dancing because it is very interesting.
Betty: Ok! Time is up! We are appreciate to invite these three guests to attent this program to share their job experience with me. If you have any questions, you can mail to this address or call this phone number.
2007年10月23日 星期二
2007年10月17日 星期三
2007.10.14--My Good Friend's Wedding
Leo and Bobo both are my good friends and previous coworkers when I worked in TEEMA in Taipei, and they get merriage on 2007.10.14(sunday). We had worked together for three years, but I knew they are lovers just four months ago and my friends told me that they had already been lovers for two years. To tell the truth, when I heard that they are lovers at first, I got a little angry because it seems that everyone knew it but not me. My other coworker told me it is because I was too careless to notice their interation, then I felt better and blessed them.
I resigned from TEEMA and came back Tainan three months ago. When I heared the news that they will get merriage last month, I decided to attent the wedding. I expected the coming of wedding to see them and other friends. My previous coworkers and friends all are happy that I can attend the wedding.
When I attend the wedding, I sit with my good friends and chat about our current situation. Although I am tired for the long travel, I find it is very worthful. The wedding Leo and Bobo plan is very warm and fragrant. They arrange a program that Leo sing a romantic song for Bobo, and we all involve in this impressive hour and enjoy their happiness. Besides, they both announce their feeling about the other, and we all feel their love and enthusiasm. I believe that they love each other deeply and will live together forever.
However everyone's emotion is more and more exciting as drinking more and more wines. Somebody starts to play tricks on bridegroom. For example, Kevin ask Leo to drink a beverage mixed a lot of different materials like wine, soy, mustard, soup and other terrible materials. After drinking that terrible beverage, Leo writhes his body in discomfort. Keven is hpaay to see that because he suffered the same treatment last year. Of course, I join this trick because I think it is very interesting. But I regret joining to play trick after wedding because I am unmarried. I think they will play the same trick on me. But to regret is to late, I need to take care my stomach right now.
I resigned from TEEMA and came back Tainan three months ago. When I heared the news that they will get merriage last month, I decided to attent the wedding. I expected the coming of wedding to see them and other friends. My previous coworkers and friends all are happy that I can attend the wedding.
When I attend the wedding, I sit with my good friends and chat about our current situation. Although I am tired for the long travel, I find it is very worthful. The wedding Leo and Bobo plan is very warm and fragrant. They arrange a program that Leo sing a romantic song for Bobo, and we all involve in this impressive hour and enjoy their happiness. Besides, they both announce their feeling about the other, and we all feel their love and enthusiasm. I believe that they love each other deeply and will live together forever.
However everyone's emotion is more and more exciting as drinking more and more wines. Somebody starts to play tricks on bridegroom. For example, Kevin ask Leo to drink a beverage mixed a lot of different materials like wine, soy, mustard, soup and other terrible materials. After drinking that terrible beverage, Leo writhes his body in discomfort. Keven is hpaay to see that because he suffered the same treatment last year. Of course, I join this trick because I think it is very interesting. But I regret joining to play trick after wedding because I am unmarried. I think they will play the same trick on me. But to regret is to late, I need to take care my stomach right now.
2007年10月16日 星期二
Writing a Paragraph-The advantages of my PDA phone
The advantages of my PDA phone

My favorite PDA phone, ASUS P735, has a lot of advantages. It includes some strong functions and metallic appearance that attracts my attention. The PDA phone that is designed and made in Taiwan shows how strong technology and design capabilities our IT industry is. Then I will introduce my gem. I think the best useful function is internet because P735 has outstanding cpu, 3G and wirless transmission capabilities to implement. Thruough this function, I can use internet anyplace and anytime to check e-mail, browse online news, search information, see stocks, and so on. Furthermore, P735 even provides MSN and Skype sevices to support me to communicate with my friends or talk to them by internet phone through internet. Another admirable function is voice control that can allow me to execute different programs like call a phone, review messages, play music and check schedual by voice. When I drive a car, it is very useful for me. GPS is also a good function for P735. When I go to travel, I can gain route, hospital, gas station and scenic spots information through GPS. So P735 is a excellent PDA phone for me. It involves lots of advantages and functions that I can handle my affairs well by it.
2007年10月9日 星期二
"To quit, or not to quit"
Yestaurday teacher Yu taught us "To be, or not to be, that is the question.'' that is one of Shakespeare's dictums. For me, "To quit, or not to quit" is my question, and I think this issue recently. I came back Tainan from Taipei in July this year and got this job at the same time. The decision I maked is hasted, and I did not have enough time to interview to choice the suitable job.
Actually, It is the only one job I interview and I like the content of this job, but company does not accommodate me enough training to deal with my business. I need to explore the solutions when I faced the problems, and there are a liitle information I can use. I expressed my feeling to manager, but he did not care this matter and just told me that he will try to resolve it.
I like to learn knowledge and get information in my life or work experience. Although the salary of current work is reasonable, I still want to find a job that I am interested even the salary is lower than current one. I do not know if I can get the job I want or not, but I already start to find.
Actually, It is the only one job I interview and I like the content of this job, but company does not accommodate me enough training to deal with my business. I need to explore the solutions when I faced the problems, and there are a liitle information I can use. I expressed my feeling to manager, but he did not care this matter and just told me that he will try to resolve it.
I like to learn knowledge and get information in my life or work experience. Although the salary of current work is reasonable, I still want to find a job that I am interested even the salary is lower than current one. I do not know if I can get the job I want or not, but I already start to find.
2007年10月8日 星期一
Samleco, Chi, Shin, Jimmy, Koon and Florish invite me to hospital to visit San who are hurted his foot thumb by glass today. we carry same snacks to visit him. He looks good but a little tired because he just suffered a operation in the morning. San, Samleco, Jimmy and Koon all are my senior high school classmates, and we do not meet together for a long time. We have a lot of matters want to share with others, so we chat everyone's current situation and laugh with everyone's funny experience, and I find that we seem to come back our student life and the sickroom just like our classroom. We enjoy the happy hour and decide that we can travel together after San recovers health.
After hospital, we go to Chi's home to play mah-jong as another classmate party. Although today is a typhoon day, for us today is sunny day. Especially for me, today is not only a wonderful day, but a lucky day because I win the mah-jong. I think that they maybe would not invite me to join any meeting next time, but I think it is really a happy ending.
After hospital, we go to Chi's home to play mah-jong as another classmate party. Although today is a typhoon day, for us today is sunny day. Especially for me, today is not only a wonderful day, but a lucky day because I win the mah-jong. I think that they maybe would not invite me to join any meeting next time, but I think it is really a happy ending.
2007年10月6日 星期六
About Journal
Keeping journal is not strange but hard work to me. I tried to keep a diary in senior hight school and college, but I always forgot or accumulated too much to stop keeping. The idea of "write again" sometime touches me, especially when I remember amusing past events.
However, keeping journal in English in the blog is a challege, interesting and new matter to me. I think it would be a difficult job in addition to the issue of full-time job, I think writing is the best difficult part in English. Even though it is a big job, I will try my best to do because writing is my weakness, and it is a good opportunity to practice.
However, keeping journal in English in the blog is a challege, interesting and new matter to me. I think it would be a difficult job in addition to the issue of full-time job, I think writing is the best difficult part in English. Even though it is a big job, I will try my best to do because writing is my weakness, and it is a good opportunity to practice.
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