2007年12月27日 星期四
My New Job
I have worked for my new job about one and half month. As I said before, my old job is boring. On the contrary, my new job is very busy. Sometime, I even have no time to take a break, and I always have to be overtime. Although it is very hard, I can learn a lot of experience that I never touch from working. I think it will be better when I am used to the work.
2007年12月23日 星期日
Dongyin-a Mystical Fairyland
Today I want to introduce a mystical island, Dongyin, that is located the most northern territory of Taiwan. It's location in relation to Taiwan is shown in figre 1. It also shows how far Dongyin is from Taiwan. Somebody will be curious why I want to introduce this remote and unknown place. The reason is simple: I had been one and half year's military service there. I severed in the Dongyin Hospital(figure2) as a financial manager from 2000 to 2002.


Dongyin is a small island that only has a total area of around 4.71 square kilometers. The composition of population is very interesting here. There are about 8 hundred residents who live here; and the number of residents becomes fewer and fewer because the young do not want to live, study and work here but chose to work in the other places. However, the number of military men is about 1.2 thousand, that is more than the number of residents. Therefore, military men become the major source of resident’s income. In older to overcome the shortage of manpower, they hire employees who come from Taiwan or China. It is a conflicting and interesting phenomenon.
Dongyin is famous for this rich ocean resource because its reef coast attracts fish to gather. For this reason, I always saw people come here to fish when I severed here. But you need to take care of a lot of things if you want to come here to fish. See figure 1 again. First of all, you spend 8 to 12 hours to take ship to Dongyin or take 1 hour by airplane and 6 hours by ship to Dongyin. Nevertheless, the ships do not operate everyday and you need to identify the operation schedual. Furthermore, you must be very careful when you fish on the rock because the coast is very cliffy. Finally, you need to wear more. The weather in Dongyin is windy and cold. Therefore, as I know about the medical resource of this small island is poor enough. If you catch a cold, you only can get some acetaminophen and a certificate for taking a one-day-rest.
Somebody will wonder why this small island needs so many military men. It is because it’s special strategic value. See figure 1, we will find Dongyin does not like other islands that are close to China. Hence, the traditional weapons can not attack here. If you are a military fan, you will be very excited to be here. You can see some military facilities and amazing tunnels.
Dongyin is a special island that owns some natural and cultural scenes. It retains some original style and features that will be worth it for you to go sightseeing. Remember to do enough homework before visiting here to avoid displeasure.
2007年12月6日 星期四
Describe Myself
I think it is uneasy to describe myself because I do not very concern about my appearance. I will try to do it. First of all, I have the medium height and plump body with short black hair. I look just like a common person whom nobody will take notice of. But I have a friendly face with deep outline. I have a double-fold eyelid, sharp nose, full lips, and rough skin. Furthermore, I always put on casual clothes because I do not want my life to be too serious. It is a simple description of myself.
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